How to Upload Photos and Enter Comments

The primary purpose of this site is to preserve and share the past and present of Port Royal, PA. Each day we procrastinate the task becomes a bit harder.

We would like to collect as many images of PEOPLE and PLACES as possible.


1) When you enter the site you will see a WELCOME page.

  • You may want to get a sense of the site by clicking on some of the links on that page.

2) If you have some photos to upload, be prepared with the following:

  • Your digital images
  • The information you want to include to accompany your photo:
  • Description of the place, and biographical information on the person.
  • Approximately when the photo was taken. Make a best guess estimate if not sure.

3) Search to see if there are pictures of the same place or same person already present on the site.

  • This will determine whether you are adding a new person or place or are adding to an existing person or place. (For instance if you have a photo of the Presbyterian Church that you want to add, your search will show that there are already pictures of the Presbyterian Church on the site. You will want to add your picture to the group that already exists and not begin a new thread.)
  • If adding a new person or place go to Step 4; if adding to an existing person or place go to Step 5.

4) If you are adding a NEW PERSON or PLACE:

  • CLICK on “Port Royal People” or “Port Royal Places” (whichever is appropriate) at the left of the screen under the logo. Immediately under the one that you just clicked will be the text “Add a Person” or “Add a Place” Click on that link.

  • You will now be presented with the entry page.

- You will need a name for your place (or person). Use the type of name that if someone searches they will likely find your entry. (Not much of a problem for people, more difficult for some places.)

- Include a profile or description of your person or place. There is no limit on the amount of text that you can enter.

- Choose the file of the image that you want to upload.

- Include a caption for your image. (You might want to include ways to identify people or places in your image.)

- Estimate the year that your image was taken. This will help the site organize the photos from oldest to newest.

- Finally include your e-mail address in case questions arise about your post.

- Double-check your information before clicking the Submit Button since you will not be able to edit it later without contacting the administrator.


5) If you are adding a picture to an EXISTING PERSON or PLACE:

  • Use the Search feature to find and open the picture of the existing person or place.
  • Somewhere on that page you will find a line in red text: “Add a Photo/Comment” Click on that text.

- You will be asked for your e-mail address in case questions arise about your post.

- There is a place for you to add comments (up to 500 characters long).

- Choose the file for the image that you want to upload. (Please be aware that you can post a comment without uploading an additional image.)

- Estimate the year that your image was taken. This will help the site organize the photos from oldest to newest.

- Double-check your information before clicking the Submit Button since you will not be able to edit it later without contacting the site administrator.

- Click on SUBMIT.

6) Please be aware that your images and text will not be viewable by the public until it has been approved by the site administrator. (This is to insure that inappropriate images and text are not added to the site.)

7) If these directions are unclear please feel free to contact the site administrator Ray Kohler at

Created On 8/30/09 - Last Updated: 8/30/09

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JLConsulting Web Services